
Pump Station 6A Eddy Current Clutch Replacement


Trinity River Authority

GAI was the prime consultant on this job and provided the electrical distribution and controls design as well as the instrumentation and controls design directly. GAI also provided project management for HVAC, Process Mechanical, Structural, Architectural, and Civil subconsultant. This project replaced the eddy current clutch drives on three 900HP 2300V motor driven pumps. Variable frequency drives were installed on these three pumps as well as a fourth pump that had been fixed speed. GAI did the instrumentation and controls engineering design as well. It included replacing much of the instrumentation and completely reprogramming the pump control logic. GAI provided the revised control narrative that included the ability to operate this pump station. Instruments included were pressure sensors, level indicators, flow sensors, temperature sensors. Fiber optic and Cat 5 cables were included for the Ethernet network design.